Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Right Brain Rules!

Judging from the recent spate of books with a new emphasis on creative CEO's in American corporations (see Tom Peters' 2005 book picks here), we're finally going to see proper dues given to a new age of right brain thinkers. Wow! Artist as CEO. I've always seen business and startups as just that: Conceptual pieces of work that evolve as works-in-progress. You start with broad strokes, work in details here and there as you go along, and you're never quite sure exactly how it's going to look when it's finished. But you're confident it'll be a masterpiece if you just let it flow. Too many of the left-brain thinkers get so mired in process early on and that's what often kills great ideas and great companies. In fact, you could probably make a case for looking at some of the great successes and failures of recent years. Google and eBay -- definitely right brain. Apple -- started right brain, went left brain (John Sculley et al), then back to right brain again.

Wired contributing editor, Daniel Pink, wrote a piece in the latest Wired that included excerpts from his upcoming book A Whole New Mind: Moving from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age
(look for it in March -- I can't wait). The main link on this post will take you to that Wired article. A thought-provoking article with more to come. Watch for more on this!

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