Monday, April 04, 2005

OK -- Thinking Bigger Now

Well, I've been busy this weekend. With two of my large 4'X5' canvases prepped with extra gesso coats and base colors, I was itching to get working on a larger scale. On Friday, I also ended up getting a new wall and door put into my studio space for my privacy and sanity. Just in time for that First Friday Party!

OK -- Here are the two canvases and I'm just starting to paint some light cloud movements from bottom to top. The thin streams of cloud at the top are wispy cirrus clouds that occur higher up in the sky.

Another view and you can see more of the detail I've been adding to the first smaller painting. I'm thinking of using a typical Seattle skyline (Space Needle and all across Lake Union) for the horizon.

Here's a shot of the new piece by itself.

Here's the "unclouded" second canvas ready for painting: Virgin Skies!

Another shot of both large pieces on big-ass easels. I'm almost spending as much on easels right now as I am on canvases! I'm also running out of room fast in my studio (but I love it!). You can see my blank third canvas sitting behind these two.

I heard something about your having meetings in your studio, to help with the impeachment campaign. Can you give me some details on that please?

I also noticed you have those cool little stickers everywhere, on your van, your jacket, your house, your studio, your ass.

I admire your dedication to the cause.
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